Communication Skills

2- Day Presentation Skills Training for Entrepreneurs & Executives

. - Carl W. Buechner

― Brian Tracy

Training Overview

In business and corporate world, what separates a successful and an unsuccessful deal is often just a presentation. A presentation carries with it not just the content of the product or service being presented, but also the trustworthiness of the speaker and credibility of the company.

No, a business presentation doesn’t have to be boring and involves only facts and figures. In fact, such a presentation usually doesn’t motivate people to take meaningful actions and create lasting change. A business presentation CAN be memorable, impactful, energizing and even fun.

We will help you develop the necessary presentation skills and create your most powerful presentation slides & script. Rather than dreading your next presentation, you’ll soon bask in the admiration and adoration of your colleagues & clients.

Training Objectives

Our goal is to help participant(s) to:

  • Minimize anxiety & maximize stage confidence
  • Plan & prepare overall presentation
  • Create compelling message, content and structure
  • Make winning presentation slides
  • Deliver with effective non-verbal tools (gestures, posture, movement, eye contact, expressions, etc.)
  • Maximize the use of voice (tone, pace, volume, etc.)
  • Interaction with audience & slides
  • Handle Q&A sessions masterfully
  • Practise delivering presentations

Training Style

The training will be categorized into different segments with each segment representing a core presentation component.

Each segment will begin with the sharing of best practices of a professional presentation. Participants will then do some hands-on activities of preparing & creating the presentation content, script and slides. After which, participants will deliver the presentation in front of the class. Feedback and discussion will follow the delivery.

Training Investment

S$ 1,250 per participant

Training Duration

The training will be conducted across 2 days, from 10 am to 6 pm each day.

Training Schedule

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